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Continuity: When they first get to the hotel room and Duke is tripping on the sunshine acid he is in front of the TV watching the war stuff, when they show him by the TV there is an ice bucket or a black drum looking thing on top of the tv. The camera goes to Dr. Gonzo then back to Duke, the stuff on top of the TV is gone. (submitted january 19 by Jazmin G.)
 Continuity: When the pair first arrives on the strip, there's a banner over two casinos displaying that the Mint 400 race's prize money is $1,000. Later on at the race, there's two signs that display the winnings as $50,000.
 Revealing mistakes: After Dr. Gonzo takes over driving through the desert in the red convertible during the opening scene, the gear shift for the automatic transmission is all the way up, indicating it to be in PARK.
 Crew or equipment visible: When Raoul Duke leaves the Mint Hotel and drives out into the desert, the shadow of the film crew's scaffold is visible to the left of the Las Vegas sign. Also the shadow of a camera visible when Duke calls Gonzo near Baker. While Duke is trying to get Dr. Gonzo off the Carousel Bar, the camera can be seen in one of the mirrors on the side of the carousel as it spins around.
 Anachronism: When Duke is driving away after dropping his attorney off next to the plane at the airport, the plane on the right has a dancing plane on the side. This logo belongs to Valujet, an airline that did not exist in 1971.
 More Mistakes: When Johnny Depp’s character is driving on the road in the desert and looks into his mirror at the approaching cop, the view is not correct. The cop sits on the wrong side of the car and the car is driving on the wrong side of the road. And the first time we see Jonny Depp enter the Circus-Circus after taking lungfuls of ether, he looks into one of those huge distorting mirrors, and in freeze-frame, you can clearly see camera man walking along side him.
 On purpose?: Duke is reviewing his drug inventory in the boot of the rented Chevy. When he gets to 'a quart of rum, a quart of tequila' his hand falls upon one of the two bottles in the bag. It’s clearly Wild Turkey bourbon (he then notes the second bottle which is the tequila). While not rum, this is very characteristic of Hunter S Thompson, for throughout his writings it's the drink he privileges most, second only to rum.
Raoul Duke's typewriter has the words "OFF THE PIGS" written on the top.
 Look for the Gonzo Fist logo on the wall of the bathroom drawn in shaving cream during the White Rabbit scene.
 When Raoul Duke is calling his attorney about a new assignment, there is a poster on the back wall of Dr. Gonzo's office. It has an anarchist fist inside a communist star. This is actually a political poster from Hunter S. Thompson's campaign for sherrif of Aspen. He ran on the Freak Power party ticket, a political party he made up himself.
 Duke's tribute to Dr. Gonzo -- "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die" -- is taken from the foreword of "Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo," the semiautobiographical novel written by Oscar Zeta Acosta. Zeta Acosta was the famous "Chicano lawyer" and friend of Thompson's whose notorious party binges served as the model for Dr. Gonzo. Thompson changed Zeta Acosta's ethnic identity to "Samoan" to deflect suspicion from Zeta Acosta, who was in some trouble with the militant Chicanos in L.A. at the time the book was written.
 The T-shirt that the hitchhiker (Tobey Maguire) wears has a Ralph Steadman picture on it. Ralph Steadman did the original illustrations for the book and the format of the credits are based on his handwriting.
 The valet that informs Hunter that he can't park on the sidewalk is also a valet in the film Casino.
 Benicio Del Toro gained 40 pounds for his role as Dr. Gonzo

The complete moviescript is now available here: Moviescript (Word 2000, 600K).

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